Dead Pony – Rainbows

6 Apr

We’ve stumbled across a punk banger this afternoon and it’s lead us down a Dead Pony rabbit hole – we’re not a bit sorry about it. On first listen two of our favourite bands were recalled in Shiny Toy Guns and Be Your Own Pet. Both of those bands know how to rock but also sure craft (well, crafted in the case of the sadly defunct Shiny Toy Guns) a walloping pop chorus. Speaking of a chorus, the one on ‘Rainbows’ is monster sized and I hope the band are ready to hear this screamed back at them at their forthcoming live gigs and festival experiences. ‘Rainbows’ achieves that rare feat of the perfect blend of synths and guitars in a way Metric would be pleased with. On the visuals, Anna stomps her way through the music video with the boys thrashing along beside her – they appear a tight unit already with charisma by the bucketload. Being behind on a new music discovery is not always a bad thing, by coincidence the band’s album ‘Ignore This’ just dropped so our timing turns out to be about right!

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