Brigitte Bardini – Everyday

30 Aug

‘Stellar Lights’ is the new album from Brigitte Bardini and it was released on this very day! We dashed off to Bandcamp first thing this morning to purchase the CD (with complimentary download of course) and are on our second full listen. It’s every bit as delightful as we had hoped after falling in love with recent single ‘Heartbreaker’. The album takes a leaf from Jack River’s accomplished song/notebook by proving you can effortlessly bring both synths and acoustics to a record. Indeed this album is probably the best example of this since Jack’s ‘Stranger Heart’ EP. We are sharing ‘Everyday’ with you as it seems to melt down multiple Goldfrapp eras into one bewitching brew – including the art cinema noir piano sound of ‘Tales Of Us’ along with the electro stomp of ‘Black Cherry’.

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