Teases & Dares’ Best New Synthwave featuring PRIZM, Julian Perretta, Maya Vik (Initial Talk Remix) and Mayah Camara & SelloRekt / LA Dreams

3 Jun

It’s been an age since we gathered up some sparkling synthwave (or synthwave adjacent) stunners for you. These winners all shimmer with 80s pop sheen in one way or another and are welcome playlist additions.

Following their spectacular Fleetwood Mac covers project PRIZM are back with new material. ‘Doin’ Alright’ could have soundtracked Jane Fonda’s aerobic workout back in the day – or indeed Richard Gere could have barrelled down an LA coastal road to it in ‘American Gigolo’. It packs a sax solo, a soft synthed production and the PRIZM ladies’ trademark sweet vocals. The uplifting tone also gives it a graduation day vibe – get ready to throw those hats to this one.

Julian Perretta leans into the disco side of synthwave with ‘Save The Night’ (well he is a Purple Disco Machine collaborator after all). Whisper it but it does so much better than what The Weeknd has aimed for with this sound.

Maya Vik and Initial Talk are straight up T&D bonafide legends. ‘Hustlebot’ is the title track of Maya’s forthcoming and long awaited new album. Initial Talk makes it pop extra hard with added fizz and dreamy 80s synths. These 2 were always destined to make magic together.

Finally the scoundrel at the centre of ‘Red Flags’ sure sounds a cold hearted snake and indeed it’s Paula Abdul that Mayah Camara channels on her latest workout with SelloRekt / LA Dreams. We’re gonna put it out there that we’d kinda love these two to make a covers EP focussing on that very specific period which gave us Paula, Pebbles, Karyn White and Jody Watley. They’d smash that sound together based on the way they pop off on ‘Red Flags’.

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