Medicine Cabinet – The Signs

9 Aug

We discovered Medicine Cabinet earlier this week after leafing through a printed copy of Gig Wise – a free magazine often found in indie record shops (thanks Relevant Records in Cambridge popping one in our tote bag!). You know we are always intrigued by groups with male/female vocals and when cover art reminds you of New Young Pony Club AND The B-52s having a listen to the music is a no brainer. From the opening seconds of ‘The Signs’ our fan club membership card for Medicine Cabinet was stamped. We are showing our age a little by saying there’s a passing resemblance to the (resurgent) Altered Images but so too our Canadian darlings Stars and Metric. ‘The Signs’ is a stunner of a debut single and we are more than ready to receive whatever comes next from this talented bunch. Here’s the fun lyric video, shot in Brighton, for you to enjoy.

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