Teases & Dares’ Best New Synthwave featuring L’Avenue/Josh Paulino, Markham & Mist, Alke and I Am Boleyn/Natalie Gray

21 Jun

We’re keeping our words short and sweet this evening but we couldn’t resist sharing these 4 synthwave gems with you. L’Avenue (with vocals from Josh Paulino) goes full out Scritti Politti on his new slice of sophisti-synth ‘Kayla’. Markham & Mist reunite for a new project which kicks off with the Nu Shooz meets New Jill Swing vibe of ‘Unconditional’. When not busy with Coastal Cassette, Alke pops out some dreamy nighttime synthwave such as ‘Can’t Be Alone’. We wrap with a suitably appropriate pride anthem from 2 of the best voices in synthwave; I Am Boleyn and Natalie Gray smash it with ‘Queen Today’ (which even goes a bit Agnes-esque towards the back end.

Enjoy all of these via the YouTube links below and for those where the track is available from Bandcamp please find those links below too.

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